
Weekend Convention for Hearing-ImpairedDisplays of new telecommunications...

Weekend Convention for Hearing-Impaired

Displays of new telecommunications equipment and other devices to help the hearing-impaired, along with workshops on personal development and legal rights, will be featured Friday and Saturday at a statewide convention in Anaheim.

Hosting the event, which is open to the public, is the Orange County chapter of SHHH--Self-Help for Hard of Hearing People--a nonprofit consumer organization that educates its members about hearing loss and what can be done to compensate for it.

Chapter president Bob Rennie, a Fullerton resident, said he hopes the convention will help dispel some of the misconceptions about hearing loss and encourage hearing-impaired people to improve the quality of their lives.


“Most people don’t want to be seen with a hearing aid. There’s a stigma attached to it,” said Rennie, 47, who has suffered hearing loss since birth. “That’s one reason this group exists, to tell people it’s OK to wear one.”

Performing Saturday night at the convention will be Kathy Buckley, a hearing-impaired entertainer who has been nominated for an American Comedy Award.

Also on the program is The Quiet Zone, a theater group whose members are hearing-impaired; and magicians Steve Longacre and Greg Koppell, who are both deaf.


Chapter founder Priscilla Worcester, who has been a public librarian in Santa Ana for 27 years, said it’s important for hard-of-hearing people to overcome denial and reach out for assistance.

“They don’t have to be afraid anymore to deal with their hearing loss,” said Worcester, 65, who wears a high-tech hearing aid operated by a remote-controlled device. “There is help for them.”

The fourth SHHH California State Convention will open at noon Friday at the Sheraton Anaheim Hotel, 1015 W. Ball Road. Registration fees are $80 for members and $105 for nonmembers. Admission to the exhibits only is $5.


Information: (714) 744-7743.
