
Inquiry Asked After Rodeo Horse’s Death

The death of a horse during a rodeo at the Pond of Anaheim on Saturday prompted Mayor Tom Daly on Tuesday to call for an investigation and a report on what the city could enact to improve safety at such events.

Daly’s request that the city attorney and city manager both investigate the incident and possible legislation followed a plea by Dana Point resident Jane Garrison that the city of Anaheim prohibit “barbaric acts” at rodeos.

“We’re sending a message to our kids that it’s OK to harass and kill animals,” said Garrison, a member of Orange County People for Animals.


The horse crashed headlong into a heavy metal gate and died.

Daly said he has “a lot of respect for the people involved with the animal rights movement.” At the very least, he said, safety precautions should be “double-checked and triple-checked” at future rodeos.

In a prepared statement, City Manager James D. Ruth said that Anaheim deeply regrets the horse’s death and that the city is confident “this isolated event is not indicative of a normal course of events during a rodeo.”
