
Blind Man Uses Cane to Fight Off Muggers

A legally blind Santa Ana man used his cane to fight off two men armed with a knife who attempted to mug him in the 1100 block of Thousand Oaks Boulevard on Saturday afternoon, sheriff’s deputies said.

Raymond McMillion, 34, suffered a small puncture wound on one of his index fingers from the knife, but did not require medical treatment, Sgt. M. Cole McDaniel said.

The incident occurred about 5 p.m. as McMillion waited at the curb to be picked up by his employer after a day of selling household cleaning products door-to-door.


Five men drove up in a small, white four-door car and two got out and approached the man, McDaniel said. One brandished a knife while the other attempted to grab a fanny pack that McMillion wore around his waist.

McMillion--who is not completely blind--pushed the knife away, suffering the injury. He simultaneously struck the other would-be robber across the bridge of the nose with the cane, McDaniel said.

The two men retreated to their vehicle, which was last seen traveling east on Thousand Oaks Boulevard.


Ventura County Crime Stoppers is offering a $1,000 award for information that leads to the arrest and prosecution of the attackers. In Thousand Oaks and Moorpark, call 494-TALK. The caller may remain anonymous and the call is not recorded.
