
SUNDAYS AT SEVEN: Choice Words From a...

SUNDAYS AT SEVEN: Choice Words From a Different Light’s Gay Writers Series edited by Rondo Mieczkowski, compiled by James Carroll Pickett (Alamo Square Press: $12; 142 pp., paperback original). Thirty-two writers, most of them from Southern California, are represented in this anthology of fiction, poetry and nonfiction. All have appeared in the ongoing reading series at the West Hollywood bookstore A Different Light. Michael Kearns offers tongue-in-cheek suggestions for comforting the bereaved; Michael Nava reflects on the popularity of mysteries with gay readers, noting that “it is the genre of the outsider.” In his account of his high school reunion, Davidson Lloyd comments: “Life rarely tidies anything up. Something is always left hanging on a doorknob; left lying on the floor to collect dust, left to plague you after all the well-wishers have departed into the darkness; something left unspoken, unfelt, unresolved.”
