
Esperanza Fires Coach Hill Despite 25-4 Record Last Season


Mark Hill, boys’ basketball coach at Esperanza the last eight seasons, was fired Monday, according to a parent of a player in the Aztecs’ program.

School officials refused to confirm or deny the move. “We are going to come out with a release tomorrow [Tuesday],” Esperanza Principal Bert Raiche said. “I don’t have any comment until then.”

A parent, who asked not to be identified, said negative treatment of players was the main concern.


“The lack of positive reinforcement, development and mentoring--all the things you look for in a teacher--were not there,” the parent said. “It was an extremely negative environment. Frankly, the boys’ self-esteem was hurt.”

But another parent said the complaints were from parents who were upset about their sons’ playing time and that Hill’s conduct was not an issue.

“If you’re asking me if Mark yelled at kids, yes he did,” said Bob Greer, who was president of the basketball booster club the last two years. “So do other coaches. Mark was never abusive.”


Hill refused comment.

He will remain as a teacher at the school but was told Monday that he would no longer be the Aztec coach.

Hill had a 139-78 record with the Aztecs and won three league titles in the last five seasons. Esperanza was 25-4 last season.

A group of parents met with James Fleming, Placentia Unified School District superintendent, Tim Vaneck, assistant superintendent of personnel, and Raiche last month, according to a parent.


The parent said about “75%” of the parents of players from this year’s varsity team attended the meeting, and some brought letters concerning Hill’s conduct. Other sources said only six parents attended the meeting, and some refused to write letters that were requested by organizers.
