
Westlake Garden Offers Residents a Haven From Gangs and Violence

In the midst of one of the most dangerous gang-ridden neighborhoods of Los Angeles, some residents are trying to grow tomatoes. Peppers and squash, as well. Even a few fledgling Christmas trees.

The garden at 415 S. Burlington Ave. in the Westlake area is a project of the neighborhood group More Advocates for Safe Homes to offer residents a chance to grow their own food and help their community.

Once a vacant lot that was a haven for crime, the land was fenced off in November 1994 to make way for a flower, vegetable and fruit garden.


Participants pay $3 to $5 a month to rent a plot where they can grow food and flowers, said Nola-Marie Mott, coordinator of the Burlington Avenue Garden Project.

Some youngsters also are working on a mural on one of the walls adjacent to the garden in an effort to cut down on gang graffiti, she said.

“We let [gang members] know this is a positive thing so they could see that kids and moms and grandmas would be here,” Mott said, “and so far it has mostly worked.”


To encourage more residents and business people to get involved, the program is hosting an open house at 9 a.m. Sunday.

Information: (213) 736-4512.
