
Fee Increases Get Preliminary Approval

The City Council on Tuesday tentatively approved several new fees as well as increases in some existing charges.

City Manager James L. Armstrong said the increases will cover the increasing costs of providing services. The approvals came as the council considered its $108.5-million budget for fiscal 1996-97. The increases and new fees, if given final approval next week, would take effect July 1. Some of the changes:

* The recovery fee for an impounded car would increase to $50 from $10 now.

* A fee of $115 would be charged to property owners after two false fire alarms in 30 days or three false alarms in six months.


* A fee would be levied to display messages on the board at Amerige Park. Nonprofit, civic, service and athletic groups would pay $5 for one-day displays; city-based businesses, $10; and out-of-town businesses, $20.

* Residential trash rates would go up 35 cents, to $12.90.

Armstrong said no layoffs are proposed, and for the first time in five years, no positions will be eliminated.

“In the last five years, we have had a major recession in this community, probably the worst since the Great Depression,” Armstrong said.
