
Caring Mailman

Re “Special Deliverer,” June 12: Thanks so much for printing a story about someone who contributes to humanity in general and to our neighborhood in particular. Bob Tattsuki is our mail carrier also, and it’s true, there are many more stories about him than were printed in your article.

Thirteen years of friendliness make him almost a part of the family--he always smiles, he’s truly interested in us, remembers what we are doing and talks with us about the latest events in our lives. People like Tattsuki are the kinds of role models we need in this often impersonal urban world.


Los Angeles

* In your article commending Tattsuki, you gave a partial list of Bob’s route. Most noticeable to me was that you left off my street, which is Kingsland. Our whole family loves Bob, counting three adults, two teenagers, three dogs, one cat, one rat and several fish. He knows all the dogs by name, and they rush to greet him daily.


Not to say that the other postal workers aren’t nice, but Bob is very special as a person, not just a mail carrier. We absolutely adore him, and are thrilled to see him get some recognition, richly deserved.


Los Angeles
