
Community College Assessment

Re “Community College Tax Approved,” June 14:

How shortsighted are the critics who are up in arms over improvement of the Los Angeles community colleges. These schools are the first step for many to do the very thing we hope everyone would do--get out of low-paying, dead-end jobs. To suggest the trustees will “pay a heavy price” to improve education is mean-spirited, in addition to being penny-wise and pound-foolish. Remember the old bumper sticker, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” Twelve dollars a year is a small price to pay to prevent the decline of our community college system.


Studio City

* Re “Safety Is No Luxury,” Commentary, June 12: The Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustees’ actions may be legal, but they could have stated their intentions to form an assessment district in a manner that all persons concerned would understand. It is small wonder that less than .02% have expressed opposition. Many homeowners in my neighborhood thought the notice was “junk mail” and hadn’t opened it until I brought it to their attention. Others didn’t fully understand the notice, nor how to respond.

Just as Gloria Romero knew how she would vote on the issue, I too know how I will vote on board incumbents when they come up for reelection.




* Just who is Romero to tell me that I should forgo a movie ticket and a box of popcorn so that she can confiscate $12 of my pension money for her own agenda? I haven’t bought a movie ticket or a box of popcorn at a theater in over 20 years. What should I give up now?

The point is--I earned this money. She didn’t. It is not the $12. It is the fact that I don’t have anything to say about how it’s spent.


North Hills

* I am a card-carrying liberal. I’ve always voted for every school bond. I support public education. But this is too much! What is this evasion of the will of the people going to do?


* Create more distrust of the educational establishment--its judgment and ethics.

* Teach our children, by example, that if you really want something, you should do whatever it takes to get it.

* Rules and laws are meant only to challenge our ingenuity.

This will be the most expensive $12 in history. It will cost education, at all levels, millions and millions of dollars for years to come. Thanks.


