
Gospel Miracles

Re “Gospels Based on Jewish Stories, Not Literal Truth, Bishop Says,” Religion section, Oct. 26:

Why do theologians such as Bishop John Spong insist on continuing the tiresome myth of the supposed dichotomy between traditional Christianity and modern science? There is a vast number of deeply religious scientists who are fully modern in their worldview and who also fully affirm the historical reality of the virgin birth, the miracles and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Moreover, these scientists come from all Christian persuasions--Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant; they are not limited to the so-called fundamentalist fanatics Spong opposes.

The rejection of the miraculous among modern thinkers has the same underlying cause as that of ancient thinkers: Namely, a lack of faith based on the prideful assumption that God’s omnipotence can be limited to puny and woefully inadequate human categories.



