
Leaders Dodging Debt to Veterans

On Nov. 11, we will be celebrating another Veterans Day. But what about our future? I believe we veterans are fighting a stacked deck. I have a distinct and abhorrent reaction to Congress’ treatment of the VA and veterans in reducing expenditures for all veterans benefits.

I wonder about the extent of military service (in combat) of any of the lawmakers, or persons in the Clinton administration. If they had seen their friends killed, dismembered or incapacitated by enemy action, or in a position to kill or be killed, they would not be so callous in their consideration of those of us who saw all this and survived.

If they were ever in our position, they would understand that we are not just welfare numbers. We have earned the little we ask in the way of medical care and subsistence, to keep some shred of personal dignity. The government should keep its promise and pay its debt to its veterans. The only way we have to fight this is for everyone to stand up and let our voices be heard.



