
Rupert Murdoch

* With the end of the election, the time has come to begin the investigations into foreign influences in American elections. Allegations range from outright gifts from foreign citizens and corporations to improper gifts from immigrant groups and individuals. Applying the standards of Prop. 209, the investigation must not be limited to the few ethnic groups targeted by the media and the Republican Party (currently mostly immigrants from Asian countries), but should cover all without regard to race. Thus we must start with the greatest money donor among immigrants. Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, an immigrant from Australia who became a citizen only to buy U.S. TV stations, seems to be the likely winner in this dollar derby.

With his direct contributions (e.g., “Murdoch Gives $1 Million to State GOP,” Oct. 26), his attempted book “advances” to leaders in Congress and his direct control of large portions of the print and broadcast media, Murdoch has given considerable dollars and support and received much in return. For many reasons an investigation of his contributions will never happen. First, even with the support of Prop. 209 by the Republican Party, Murdoch will be treated differently than an immigrant from Taiwan, for example. Second, few reporters have the courage to attack such a prominent future possible employer. And third, the current leadership in Congress owes him too much in return for his contributions.


Los Angeles
