
What You Can Do . . .


The holidays can be a grim time of the year for those less fortunate--people who are ill or shut in, families who cannot afford to celebrate. What follows is a list of some nonprofit groups that help others and could use the public’s help in turn. If you don’t see your neighborhood or area of interest listed, contact your county or city volunteer agencies.


* For the 40 teens and dozen infants and toddlers at the Florence Crittenton Center in Los Angeles, pick from this list: clock radios, bathrobes, earrings, perfume, cameras, blow-dryers, finger paints, toddler educational toys and clothing (sizes 2 to 5), rattles and teething rings. Information: (213) 225-4211.

* Children 2 days to 17 years old at the Orangewood Children’s Home in Orange need dress clothes (especially for boys), bathrobes, pajamas, jeans, underwear, sweaters, sporting equipment and gift certificates from Target, Mervyn’s or Kmart. Information: (714) 935-7584.


* Approximately 2,000 children each year are clothed at the Centere Clothes Corner in San Fernando. Holiday needs include new children’s clothing, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, combs and brushes. Information: (818) 785-4134.

* Holiday gifts, toys, gift certificates and canned goods are being collected for abused, neglected and emotionally disturbed children at the San Fernando Valley Child Guidance Clinic in Northridge. Unwrapped gifts are needed for children and adolescents. The annual Holiday Drive begins Monday and continues through Dec. 19. Information: Jo Devine, (818) 993-9311.

* Walking Shield American Indian Society is looking for donations for its 10th annual Holiday Gift Drive. Most needed are gifts for boys and girls 11 to 18. Some ideas: personal hygiene items, art supplies, watches and sweatshirts. To ensure delivery by the holidays, your donation should be at the Walking Shield in Tustin by Dec. 1. Information: (714) 573-1434.


* The Riverside County Department of Public Social Services’ Volunteer Services Program is asking community support for “Operation Santa Claus” for victims of abuse and neglect. More than 4,000 gifts are sought for children and elderly dependent adults. Items include toys and gift certificates. Deadline for donations is Dec. 10. Information: (909) 358-3625 or (800) 488-9494.

* Abused, abandoned and neglected children are helped at Five Acres in Altadena. The center wants to provide them with items including food baskets, grocery and store gift certificates, diapers and new clothes. Information: (818) 798-6793, Ext. 2702.

* At-risk children, the homeless and needy families throughout Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties are helped by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of Los Angeles Inc. Needed are toys, clothing for boys and girls 7 to 14, diapers and formula, nonperishable foods, and blankets, sleeping bags and jackets for homeless adults. Information: (800) 974-3571.


* Volunteers can help Santa and his elves organize and distribute more than 7,000 gifts to underprivileged children in the Pasadena area on Dec. 24. It’s “Operation Santa,” sponsored by the Pasadena Junior Chamber of Commerce. New toys are also needed. Information: (818) 792-5146.

* Los Angeles Teens on Target, a community- and school-based violence-prevention program in Downey, is seeking new toys to distribute to needy children. Information: Veronica Minjarez, (310) 401-8166.

* Holiday gift-wrappers are needed by the Boys & Girls Club of Venice in its annual Holiday Gift Wrap Booth at the Fox Hills Mall. Hours are weekdays from 1 to 7 p.m. and weekends from noon to 7 p.m. Training will be provided. Information: Fernie Ramos, (310) 391-6301.

* Intercommunity Child Guidance Center in Whittier will sponsor its fifth annual Holiday Sharing of Gifts on Dec. 16, providing toys for the children served by the agency. Information: Charlene Dimas-Peinado, (310) 692-0383.

* Recreation and learning activities bring confidence and independence to blind and visually impaired youth through the Foundation for the Junior Blind. Holiday gifts of new musical toys, cassettes, board games, sports equipment are asked. Information: Veronica Behning, (213) 295-4555, Ext. 237.

* More than 800 children are fed through Children’s Home Society of California. New, unwrapped toys for boys and girls of all ages are being collected at First United Methodist Church in Long Beach for distribution Dec. 11. Pickup of toys is available. Information: (310) 901-3145.


* Among the holiday needs of Great Beginnings for Black Babies in Los Angeles are baby clothes, crib sheets, towels, baby food, formula, toiletries, blankets, bottles, car seats and strollers. Information: (310) 657-7115.

* Gifts, food baskets and groceries are needed at the Exceptional Children’s Foundation, which cares for 150 disabled infants and toddlers in Los Angeles, including the South Bay area. The charity also needs volunteers to wrap children’s gifts, prepare baskets, play Santa and prepare and serve food. Information: (213) 290-2000.

* Gifts for a holiday party for teens are needed at Neighborhood Youth Assn. in Los Angeles. Gift certificates and movie passes are especially appreciated. Information: Vendella Barnett, (310) 390-6641.

* Crippled Children’s Society of Southern California’s wish list includes toys (for infants through teens), toiletries, socks, radios, Walkmans, CDs, tapes, gift certificates from grocery or clothing stores, new sports equipment, a microwave, food processor, a TV and a computer. Information: (213) 874-3300.

* Toys, video games, children’s books and Christmas tree decorations are among the wishes at Optimist Foster Family Agency in Los Angeles, a home for children from birth to age 17. Gifts will be distributed Dec. 14. Information: (213) 341-5561.


* People are needed to provide entertainment and transportation and to serve meals and teach arts and crafts for Shelter Partnership Inc. in Los Angeles. Also needed are books, appliances, shoes and toiletries. Information: Anita Morales, (213) 688-2188, Ext. 23.


* To enable the Los Angeles Mission to provide services for thousands of homeless people on Skid Row, gifts of men’s suits, men’s and women’s socks, pants, shoes and underwear and toiletries are needed. Information: (213) 466-3537.

* More than 1,000 homeless or at-risk women and children are helped at four locations in the San Fernando Valley through Women’s Care Cottage. The charity needs new toys, women’s accessories and nonperishable food. Donations may be dropped off at 6040 Vineland Ave., North Hollywood, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays. Information: (818) 753-4580.

* Haven House, a shelter for battered women and children, would be grateful for a variety of items for babies, children and teens. It can use unwrapped electronic games (nonviolent), new clothing, new dolls, toiletries, gift certificates (movies, fast food, music), gift-wrap and grocery certificates. Information: (818) 564-8880.

* Families and young moms and dads receive mental health and other services at Friends of the Family in Van Nuys. Its holiday wishes are for clothing, diapers and nonperishable food. Donations of new children’s clothes, and books for preschoolers and older children go to abused and neglected children. Information: (818) 988-4430.

* The Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, sponsors the Adopt-A-Family program in which families helped by participating nonprofit agencies receive gifts and food baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Gift and food certificates for families are also needed. Information: Sherry Saacke, (310) 212-5009.

* Remember the lonely by joining the Card Pal Program, which distributes holiday cards to senior citizens centers, hospices, orphanages and shelters. Hanukkah cards will be collected until Dec. 2; Christmas cards, through Dec. 19. Send signed holiday cards to Card Pal, 4301 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 190, Arlington, VA 22203.


* Shelter Partnership and the Los Angeles County Bar Assn. Barristers compile holiday requests from agencies in downtown Los Angeles, Hollywood, Pomona, South Bay, South-Central and the Whittier / Norwalk area. Among requests: microwaves, underwear, freezers, toys and computers. Information: Anita Morales, (213) 688-2188, Ext. 23.

* Help the needy at Ojai Valley Family Shelter by donating food and warm clothing of all sizes. Information: Richard O. Raine, (805) 649-9441.

* Through Dec. 19 the Salvation Army will need volunteer assistance with interviewing, computer entry and sorting of food and toys for needy families. Help is also needed Dec. 20 at the Los Angeles Convention Center to distribute gifts and food to families. Information: (213) 896-9160, Ext. 262.

* Emergency services for homeless youth are offered at Covenant House California. Volunteers are needed to help with a Thanksgiving celebration on Tuesday. Information: Robert Pfeifer, (213) 461-3131, Ext. 263.

* Richstone Family Center, in Hawthorne, a child-abuse-prevention and counseling agency, is looking for participants for its holiday Adopt-a-Family Program taking place Dec. 16 to 20. Individuals, groups and corporations may provide gifts and food. Information: Terri Eggers, (310) 970-1921.

* Donations of nonperishable foods are needed at the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry. Hours are 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays and Fridays at 4387 Troost Ave., North Hollywood. Information: (818) 980-1657 or (818) 760-3575.


* School and employee groups can help the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank by setting up barrels for holiday giving. Needed are nonperishable goods and volunteers to sort food. Information: LaTanya Fowler, (213) 234-3030, Ext. 130.

* Christmas help is needed at Elizabeth House for needy pregnant women. Volunteers can help with Christmas cookie baking, decorating, coordinating craft projects and games for children. Unwrapped gifts needed by Dec. 10. Information: Terry, (818) 577-4434.

* Total Involvement Ministry needs small gift items, such as shampoos, toiletries and playing cards to be distributed to the juveniles in detention and men in prison. Writing materials and postage stamps are in demand. Information: (818) 893-0406.

* A new VCR and someone to help cook are the holiday wishes at Step Up on 2nd, a Santa Monica facility for people in recovery from mental illness. Information: (310) 394-6889.

* Goodwill Industries of Southern California seeks financial contributions to underwrite a holiday breakfast. Information: Robin Braislin, (213) 223-1211, Ext. 230.

* Turkeys and new toys are on the list at St. Peter Claver Center, a Catholic social service for the South-Central and Crenshaw areas. Also needed are volunteers to help organize and host a Christmas party. Information: (213) 737-6036.


* At A Window Between Worlds in Pacific Palisades, battered women recover a sense of renewal through creative expression. The charity is looking for office space, a copier, a computer (prefer Macintosh), art supplies, picture frames, spiral binders and a laminator. Information: (310) 396-0317.

* Santa Rosa Community Center in San Fernando assists low-income and homeless people and is accepting nonperishable foods, gift certificates for chickens, turkeys or hams, toys and blankets. Information: (818) 365-3194.

* Schools and companies are asked to participate in the annual toy drive for homeless families served by Beyond Shelter. Needed are volunteers to transport toys to its Los Angeles office. Information: (213) 252-0772.

* Skid Row Housing Trust in Los Angeles operates 15 single-room occupancy hotels for poor and formerly homeless people. It needs funds for holiday celebrations for tenants and donations of toiletries. Information: Juliana Otis, (213) 683-0522; or Jackie Kesler, (213) 623-9730.


* Donations of wrapped or unwrapped gifts will assist 15 families of patients at the Jonathan Jaques Children’s Cancer Center in Long Beach. Wrapped gifts should include a tag indicating contents. Information: Kristina Mack, (310) 933-8600.

* Food and new toys cheer clients of the Minority AIDS Project, a nonprofit organization that serves people of all races. Information: (213) 936-4949.


* AIDS Project Los Angeles needs volunteers for the “It’s A Wrap” holiday gift-wrapping store at the Beverly Center, open now through Dec. 24. Three daily shifts are available: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 1:30 to 6 p.m. and 5:30 to 10 p.m. Orientation and instruction will be provided. Information: (213) 993-1383.

* Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to enabling people with developmental disabilities, needs volunteers and contributions of new toys, food certificates and personal care products during its “Holidays are for Sharing” program. Holiday meals and gifts are distributed in December. Information: (213) 383-1300, Ext. 404.

* Feed the homebound ill by giving time to Meals on Wheels in Van Nuys. Needed are stocking stuffers and drivers to deliver meals during the holidays. Volunteers pick up meals at Valley Presbyterian Hospital between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. daily. Information: Norm, (818) 898-1134.

* The Self-Help and Recovery Exchange (SHARE) in Los Angeles seeks couches, clocks, stuffed animals, a vacuum cleaner, rugs, a Macintosh computer, laser printer, a photocopy machine and 100 stacking chairs with cushioned seats. Information: (310) 305-8878.

* Training and employment programs for adults with developmental and multiple disabilities are provided by Tierra del Sol Foundation in Sunland, Claremont and Van Nuys. On its holiday wish list are four minivans, IBM computer equipment, adult-size wheelchairs. Information: (818) 352-1419.

* Los Angeles County Harbor-UCLA Medical Center invites South Bay residents and businesses to join in its “Holiday Giving Program.” Patients’ families who are needy receive gifts and baskets. Outpatient clinics are also in need of small presents for low-income clients during December. Information: Christine R. Rufolo, (310) 222-3258.


* On the list of needs at the Children’s Cancer Research Fund are an IBM-compatible computer and printer, VHS movies for children and teens 2 to 18, and a copying machine. Information: (310) 208-1294

* Help is needed for hospitalized adults and their families through the Adopt-A-Family holiday program at County-USC Medical Center. Special needs are for toys for all ages and infant layettes. Information: Margie Dolinski, (213) 226-6945.


* Los Angeles Free Clinic has holiday cards designed by homeless and runaway youths in its Project Step program. The cost is $10 for a gift card or six greeting cards, and $12 for six picture frame cards. Information: LAFC Holiday Cards, 8405 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048.

* The American Red Cross is offering holiday gift items, including a commemorative 80th-year-in-Los-Angeles ornament for $10 and a box of 12 cards for $15. Other holiday cards to choose from are $10 and $12. Information: (213) 739-5289.

* AIDS Service Center is selling holiday cards with artwork by children living with HIV and AIDS. Proceeds go to the center. There will also be a food drive. Drop off canned goods at 126 W. Del Mar Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105. Information: (818) 796-5633.
