
Give Appealing Chimes a Chance

On May 9 at 9 a.m. I heard chimes which I had never heard before. I thought, at the time, what a beautiful sound. I wondered where it was coming from.

Well, it didn’t take me long to find out. I work part time at Oxnard College. When I got to work I found out that the chimes were from the new clock tower on campus. I thought, this is wonderful for our community.

Then, to my amazement, before 10 o’clock there were several telephone calls to the campus complaining about the “noise.” It seems that people in the Sunny Acres Mobile Home Park were already complaining without giving the chimes a chance. The longer we hear chimes the more accustomed to them we become. If they stopped we would wonder what happened to them.


I feel that I can tell these people to “get a life” and quit complaining. Life is too short to complain. I also live in a mobile home park adjacent to Sunny Acres and am 72 years young. Too young to take time complaining about something as beautiful as chimes.

I understand one woman said she was going to start a petition to do away with them. PLEASE DON’T SIGN IT--GIVE THE CHIMES A CHANCE.


