
Museum on Wheels

I am a teacher at Vinedale Elementary School in Sun Valley. I am writing to publicly thank the Maxwell H. Gluck Foundation and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County for making the Earth Mobile possible. My children had the opportunity recently to participate in the “hands on” archeology program and learn about Native American culture as well as experience the job of an archeologist.

I am also writing to encourage other foundations and cultural centers to get involved in our children’s education. I do believe it “takes a city” to educate our children. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the Los Angeles County Museum of Art bring exhibits to the schools? Imagine what the children could learn from the Museum of Science and Industry’s “Technology Express?”

I believe we all need to be involved in the education of our children. In a city as culturally diverse as Los Angeles there is no better way to bring people together than through shared educational opportunities.



Fourth- and fifth-grade

teacher, Vinedale

Elementary School


* On May 6, I went to the Earth Mobile. It is like a museum on wheels. We had to dig for artifacts. It was a lot of fun. I really learned a lot. The whole school will agree with me. It was just like a field trip!

I think more museums should have little museums on wheels. The observatory could have stars on wheels. The Museum of Science and Industry, the George C. Page Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art could have exhibits like this.


Sun Valley

* I would also like to encourage other museums to come visit us and other schools. I would like the Museum of Science and Industry to come and also the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.


I would learn more about paintings and science.


Sun Valley

* If more mobiles came, they could help more kids like me learn more about science, art and other fun things, and that would be great!

The reason we want more of these museums to come is so that they could help us get a good education and exceptional grades.


Sun Valley
