
Garage Conversions

I live in what used to be one of those “prized single-family neighborhoods” mentioned by Sharon Bernstein in “City Urged to Legalized Some Garage Units,” May 14. The term “single” family dwelling is no longer applicable to the Valley. Until I read Bernstein’s article, I thought it mandatory to convert one’s garage into a living quarters in the Valley.

The housing task force logic is that legalizing garage conversions will alleviate the housing shortage (while increasing the value of our homes). Right.

I suggest The Times publish the names, home addresses and home telephone numbers of all members of the L.A. City Council and housing task force advocating legalization of garage living quarters. Concerned citizens could call or write and give members their input about what to do with proposals to legalize garage units.


A moratorium should be established requiring all illegally converted garages to be reported to Building and Safety. Time frames for inspection of illegal conversions could then be established.


Canoga Park
