
Police Officers Getting Higher-Powered Rifles

Citing the need to confront well-armed and well-protected suspects, police will be receiving 150 new rifles with improved accuracy and the ability to pierce armor.

City Council members made no comments Monday as they voted 6 to 0, with one council member absent, to spend $66,974 for the rifles. The purchase will include 100 Ruger .40-caliber rifles and 50 Colt AR-15 rifles.

The Ruger rifles will be more accurate than the currently issued 12-gauge shotguns, Santa Ana Police Department spokesman Sgt. Steve Despenas said. The AR-15, he said, will have the ability to cut through bullet-proof vests.


A city report cited a recent shootout between Los Angeles police and well-armed suspects in North Hollywood to illustrate the need for the new weapons.

Members of the city SWAT team already have weapons that can pierce body armor; the new rifles will be for patrol officers.
