
A Vote Against the ‘Nanny State’

* Re “It’s Time to Face Our Child Care Crisis,” by Connie Haddad, Dec. 14 Orange County Voices:

Haddad is a staunch advocate of the “nanny state.” Apparently her solution to parental responsibility and care-giving is let Uncle Sam do it. Why is it that every social issue that people want the government to take over is a crisis?

There is little or no understanding by many young parents of what is involved in raising a child. Many young parents have a healthy appetite for things and luxuries and want them now.


I have a hunch the issue of immediate gratification drives many mothers into the workplace. It is wishful thinking that anything publicly funded will provide the parenting needed for healthy and responsible families.

The government has been a historical failure at being a mom or dad surrogate. And look at the failures of the war on poverty, public housing, where many billions have been spent, and the monster that welfare has grown into.

I shudder at Haddad’s blithe embrace of publicly funded preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds as a “logical extension of the role of public schools.” She goes on to point the way to publicly funded after-school care, programs for teenagers, infants, toddlers--has she left any youth out?


Who is going to decide what is appropriate for youngsters to learn--or is that too tough a job for parents?

I have a modest proposal: Make marriage a lot harder to enter into, and never without moral and financial counseling about the responsibilities of parenthood. And keep nanny government out of the house.


Lake Forest
