
Helping All Kids to Learn

William Brand is superintendent of the Santa Paula Union High School District

Beginning this September, the Santa Paula Union High School District will eliminate the “standard track” in the core subjects of mathematics, English, social science and science. All students will be challenged to work at “college prep” or “honors” level. Those who need extra help to do so will get it.

What does that mean to students?

It means no longer will they be placed in an academically unchallenging track that may satisfy graduation requirements but fails to prepare them for either college or work. This is what has been happening to about one-third of our students.

Unfortunately, these students have been placed in this track much earlier. They can see no way out of the lower-level classes and begin to believe that they are nonachievers and begin to act the part.


Usually, the student comes to high school two to three grade levels behind in these core subjects, with little hope of catching up. For many, it means more minimum basic skills testing and another year of remedial classes.

Sadly, we have been giving these students diplomas even though they do not have the skills to be successful in our society.

The Santa Paula Union High School District is no longer going to allow these students to be placed in this “no win” situation.


Through an accelerated program of good instruction, motivation, parental support and academic support, these students will be moved as quickly as they can to achieve academically. Once they have reached their grade level, they will be placed in core-subject classes that will lead to graduation. Prior to this, the students will be given only elective credit toward graduation.

Also, the district will allow motivated students in the college prep program an opportunity to enroll in the honors program. Beginning this fall, students who have achieved a grade of “A” in a core class will be asked if they want to be in the honors level for the next semester.

These students are highly motivated to achieve but often have found it difficult to get into the advanced programs because of numerous barriers and criteria placed on them for entrance, such as standardized test scores, essays, “gifted” designation and others. From this point on, only the teacher’s recommendation will be used to determine which students are placed in honors classes.


With this increase in students allowed to participate in honors classes, the school will be able to increase the number of classes and offer more advanced-placement courses.

The honors and advanced placement classes will not be taught any differently nor will the curriculum be altered. However, the key is that all motivated students who want to take the challenge will be welcome in our most rigorous classes.

The district believes that a successful school system operates on the assumptions presented by the California Business Roundtable: Every student can learn at significantly higher levels and every student can be taught successfully.

The Santa Paula Union High School District is raising expectations for all students and will be held accountable for ensuring that students meet the higher level of expectation.
