
Fertility Case Has Its Losers

* Re “50 Couples to Get $10 Million to End UCI Fertility Clinic Suits,” July 19:

It was fitting that the lawyers involved in the UCI fertility scandal were on the front page of the Times since they are the only ones who will profit from this bizarre tale.

While the egg switching was abhorrent, it still amazes me how the patients in this ordeal can feel they were wronged. It is inherent in the American psyche that all desires be named “rights.”

To have a genetically related child, in spite of the multitude of needy children, inspired these “parents” to undergo procedures that border on blasphemy as their “right.”


When the outcome was not to their liking, they felt “violated” and searched for someone to blame.

All of humanity is related; we all came from the original bursting forth of the cosmos. We are all genetically and spiritually a family. Parenting has more to do with relationship than with DNA--ask any social worker.

To think these children are less, that they have been robbed of their “heritage” because of the bizarre twists of science that their parents voluntarily signed up and paid for, is the height of human arrogance. To expect insurance companies to cover the error, at the expense of health care and educational opportunities of the less fortunate, is the true crime.


We the public will pay for this “settlement” with higher medical costs, less access to procedures and less money spent on education and research.


Santa Ana

* The losers are the taxpayers that are already paying for the care and rearing of thousands of abandoned, orphaned and unwanted young children already here in our overpopulated sea of humanity.


Newport Beach
