
Funds to Improve School Libraries

Re “Board Votes $5.3 Million to Improve School Libraries,” Oct. 7:

Wow--$4 per student for library books! That must figure out to more than 10 students per book at current prices (which sometimes are as much as $60 per book).

And what about librarians? Do you think that books go from the publishing house to the library shelf by magic? Selections must be made, books must be cataloged and professional reference assistance must be offered.

As a retired community college librarian, I must inform you that it is a rare administrator or budget controller who doesn’t consider libraries an expensive luxury.




Nifty that the Los Angeles Unified School District is increasing its allocation for school libraries. If we did not have to pay sales tax for books and other instructional materials, we would have an automatic increase in what we can spend on students. For every dollar we get from the state, school district, grants and gifts, 8.25% goes back to the state. So for every $100, we really only get $91.75. Add that to shipping and handling costs, and we are lucky to get $80 in purchasing power.

The average elementary library book costs about $15 and it’s even higher for middle and high schools. The 8.25% would put more books into the hands of students.


Santa Monica High School
