
Northridge Sticks Out Hand


“Show us the money.”

That’s what fund-raisers for Cal State Northridge’s Matador Athletic Assn. will be saying to prospective members the next five weeks.

Actually, it’ll be more like, “Give us some money.”

The association launched a membership drive with a meeting at the school Wednesday night. The goal is to raise $100,000 to support Northridge sports.

Michael Rehm, Northridge’s assistant athletic director of development and the association’s executive director, said the athletic department raised $42,000 of the target amount from March 1 through Wednesday.


Rehm said that figure represents about $30,000 more than the amount raised by Northridge during the same period in 1997.

“People need to step up to the plate and give a little to the program,” Rehm said. “For the health of the program, this membership drive is critical.”

Dr. Keith Richman, who chaired Northridge’s task force on intercollegiate athletics, will oversee the drive.


The drive includes the athletic department’s first mass mailing encouraging alumni, faculty and staff to join the association.

Rehm said the program’s membership levels run from $50 to $5,000, and people can earmark their gifts to specific sports. Those donating $2,500 will receive a free trip with a Northridge team of their choice, and those donating $5,000 will receive two free trips.

The drive will end June 6 with an awards ceremony, sports memorabilia auction and casino games for prizes at Northridge’s auxiliary gym.


“My job is to make sure [members] are pleased with the program they are investing in,” Rehm said.
