
Lungren Urges Return to Local Involvement

Atty. Gen. Dan Lungren spoke about crime, education and small businesses, which he called “the engines that drive this entire state,” at the Greater San Fernando Chamber of Commerce on Friday.

The Latin Business Assn. joined the chamber in hosting the Republican gubernatorial candidate, who spent Thursday and Friday in Los Angeles campaigning against Democratic Lt. Gov. Gray Davis.

“The Latin Business Assn. and the Chamber of Commerce here have one agenda, just as the Latino community has the same agenda as all communities in California,” Lungren said.


These common agendas include safer streets and better schools, Lungren said. “What we need to do is stop letting people divide us.”

Lungren said state and federal governments need to decrease their involvement in local business and regional political matters.

“In the same way we say we want to devolve power from Washington to Sacramento, I want to devolve power from Sacramento and take it to the local level,” Lungren said. “It’s easier to talk to your city council person than it is to go to Sacramento.”


The comments drew applause from the roughly 40 local business leaders and residents in attendance.

Ruben Barrales, a strong supporter of the charter school movement and Republican candidate for state controller, joined Lungren with a brief stump speech of his own.

“There’s no education plan that’s going to improve our schools,” Barrales said. “Business leaders and parents together will improve schools.”


“This is a wonderful opportunity for our chamber,” said Joe Sandoval, chamber president. “We’re seeing aspects of [economic] challenge in Russia and Asia. Thank goodness we’re growing [in San Fernando].”
