
Staying Yule Safe

A Christmas tree ornament that also works as a fire alarm has won the “Smart Gift of the Year” award from Smart Consumer Service, which cites the ornament’s usefulness during the fire-prone holiday season. “Every year we look for an inexpensive gift that addresses a hazard in the home,” said N’ann Harp, president of the Washington, D.C.-based consumer group.

The alarm ornament is made of heat-resistant plastic. Holes in the bottom allow an internal sensor to detect heat and set off the alarm.

Harp suggests hanging ornaments near the spots where strings of light plug together.

The ornament, not available in stores, is being sold for about $15 (or three for $35.99) by the No Burns! Project, a campaign to improve safety in the home. Toll-free information: (877) NO-BURNS. (9 a.m.-6 p.m. EST) or online at
