
Making Connections

Free, confidential 24-hour counseling is available to survivors of sexual assault, their families and friends from the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women.

The commission’s three hotlines receive 1,500 to 1,800 calls each month.

In addition to the hotlines, the commission has advocates (including some who speak Spanish) who will accompany survivors to selected hospitals, a self-defense training program and a service in which domestic violence survivors can file a temporary restraining order through the group’s office instead of the courthouse.

The Los Angeles County Rape and Battering Hotline is (310) 392-8381; Central Los Angeles Rape Hotline, (213) 626-3393, and the West San Gabriel Valley Rape Hotline, (626) 793-3385.


Hearing-impaired women may call the TDD line at (213) 462-8410.

To reach the commission office, call (213) 955-9090. More information is available on the Internet at
