
Adding Details to OCTA Debate

* I agree with David Mootchnik about the need for public involvement in Orange County transportation decisions (Orange County Voices, Dec. 6). Unfortunately, some of the information necessary to create an informed public debate was missing from his column.

For the record:

* The Orange County Transportation Authority board of directors has approved a financing plan for a rail project that would not require an increase in taxes to build and operate the 28-mile system.

* The financing plan isolates funding for rail operations from bus operations, ensuring that the bus system will not be adversely affected by a light rail system.


* The rail system contemplated by OCTA would be just one part of our countywide transportation system, providing many choices for Orange County’s traveling public.

* Freeways and streets and roads will continue to be significant components of Orange County’s transportation network.

* The rail system under study by OCTA is not a subway that would require extensive tunneling, as has occurred in Los Angeles.


Let the public discussion begin. OCTA is conducting community workshops on the rail project that feature the above and additional information on routing, technology and potential ridership.

Many opinion polls have supported the development of rail in Orange County, including one commissioned by The Times.


Chairwoman, OCTA board
