
HMO Review

Kaiser Permanente agrees with “HMOs: Follow-Through Counts” (editorial, Dec. 4) that consumers need a credible and consistent external review process when they disagree with decisions of their HMOs. However, I’d challenge your conclusion that Kaiser Permanente will take a wait-and-see approach to see what state lawmakers do. To the contrary, we supported legislation in the last session of the Legislature. We will support a legislative solution again this session. Our pledge to our members is a simple one: If lawmakers don’t act, we will.

Kaiser Permanente recognizes that a well-structured external review program can provide an additional avenue of review and reassurance to members that their concerns will be heard. We expect such a program will be enacted into law at the state or federal level, if not both. If legislation fails, we will implement a voluntary program of external review consistent with the California Assn. of Health Plans’ announced voluntary plan.

OLIVER GOLDSMITH MD, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Pasadena
