
Guides to Help You Dress With Success


Fashion is like beauty.

To one woman, Anna Sui’s designs are sublime; to another subversive.

To one woman, tailored suits are the goal; to her sister, just plain ridiculous.

And for every ideal is a magazine designed to show you exactly how to meet it. We took the plunge and locked ourselves away with dozens of fashion magazines, emerging with full knowledge that Leonardo DiCaprio is a Scorpio and not a good choice for us, that we should buy ourselves a wrap coat ASAP, that mutual funds are the way to go, and that we really, really need to work on our thighs, or, wait a minute, our bodies are just fine the way they are. . . .

These magazines--for women, teens, niche groups, men and our Fab Four--are about so much more than clothes. If they weren’t, we’d just all get the Spiegel catalog and forget about it.



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1892

Circulation: 1.1 million

Newsstand price: $3

To order: (800) 234-2347

This is the big bad mama of fashion mags. Like it or not, this is the establishment book that tells you exactly what’s going to be in department stores. It’s so thick with ads you’re not sure where the ads stop and layouts start. Recent features: glamour shots of Oprah Winfrey; an essay on Van Gogh brothers Vincent and Theo; secret home salon services; Emanuel Ungaro’s home; plus intelligent, regular features on exercise, interiors, movies, theater, books and food.



Harper’s Bazaar

Issues a year: 12

Established: 1867

Circulation: 705,027

Newsstand price: $3

To order: (800) 888-3045

A very grown-up, intelligent read for women who love fashion but also want more. Recent features: architectural photographer Julius Shulman, layout on hippie chic (and “Who Is?”), Hillary Rodham Clinton’s trip to China; Max Mara; and the 10 biggest breakthroughs in fighting breast cancer. Fashion layouts rival those of Vogue.


Marie Claire

Issues a year: 12

Established: 1994

Circulation: 640,319

Newsstand price: $2.50

To order: (800) 777-3287

This American version seems a little dumbed-down from the French original and is geared toward women in their early 20s. November issue tries hard to please everyone with features on Sandra Bullock, style and gossip with Laura San Giacomo, rape in Bosnia, size 12-plus models, and men’s turn-ons and -offs. Fashion layouts are pretty sleek with a nice range from designer to mall alternative.



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1939

Circulation: 2.06 million

Newsstand price: $2.99

To order: (800) 274-7410

A magazine for young women still struggling with “Love/Hate your body?” Seems to pander to young insecurities. Other recent features: stress and your sex life; exactly how many women has he slept with? Clothes are appropriately young and bridge. Perennial back page feature “Dos & Don’ts” seems insulting and outdated, but remains wildly popular.




Issues a year: 12

Established: 1985

Circulation: 916,817

Newsstand price: $3.50

To order: (800) 876-8775

This American version of the French magazine to buy is still pretty spiffy and chic. Recent features: Kris Kristofferson, Stephen Dorff, Cumberland Island, S.C., John Waters, IRS tips, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s ex-daughter-in-law and the Westside Children’s Center. Fashion layouts are very, very haute.



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1972

Circulation: NA

Newsstand price: $3.95

To order: (800) 456-6170

This is the insider’s guide to the fashion world. Everything and everybody find their way into this mag. May be a little heavy for someone looking for a light read. Recent articles on Gianfranco Ferre, Stanley Tucci, Ann-Margret and John Frankenheimer. And of course, don’t miss the delicious gossip column “Suzy” (by Aileen Mehle). If you’re not interested in a layout on fabulous furs, you’ll find what you need to know about everything from underwear to accessories.



Issues a year: 10

Established: 1997

Circulation: not available

Newsstand price: $2.95

To order: (800) 219-5294

This magazine started up last year as an alternative for smart women who love fashion. Unfortunately, it’s written in the tone of funny that makes fun of other people. Recent features: Marilyn Manson; confessions from a 20-year-old over-the-hill model; “Pigs in Space” (or how NASA and John Glenn neglected women); Reese Witherspoon; going undercover as a white supremacist. Jane’s mom has an advice column, which is pretty straightforward.




Issues a year: 12

Established: 1991

Circulation: 200,000

Newsstand price: $2.50

To order: (800) 678-1825

This magazine focuses more on beauty and makeup than on clothes. Recent features: the 122 best cosmetic products, how to apply makeup like a pro and favorite fall clothes (including some we can afford). Cute pieces, like why you’ll always hear Enya at the hairdresser’s. Clearly geared toward young women.



Issues a year: 13

Established: 1994

Circulation: 1.1 million

Newsstand price: $3.50

To order: (800) 274-6200

Steal this look, beauty make-overs, the goods. These are all pretty reasonable features for a beauty magazine, but this one is based on the assumption that celebs have style with a capital “S.” Recent cover story was on Sharon Stone; inside finds Teri Hatcher’s up-do, Julia Roberts’ French twist, Alicia Witt’s San Fernando Valley home, “Sabrina’s” Beth Broderick’s wedding shower (with recipes). Sort of a People, with style. And don’t miss the fabulous annual weddings issue. Take this mag into a dark room and hide your pleasure in this deliciously overdone bonbon.



Issues a year: 6

Established: 1989

Circulation: NA

Newsstand price: $3

To order: (800) 283-0484

Fulfills its promise as a fashion magazine for women of substance. Recent features: lists 25 smartest women (bunches of CEOs, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, usual suspects Madeleine Albright and Doris Kearns Goodwin); update on ‘80s maven Paloma Picasso; fall fashion guide. Layouts are staid and not earth-shattering, but feature clothes readers would wear.



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1886

Circulation: 2.5 million

Newsstand price: $2.95

To order: (800) 888-2676

So much has been made of the Cosmo girl that it’s easy just to poke fun. But recent issues show the magazine is actually not as bad as it used to be. Magazine focuses on how to copy Hollywood hair, wardrobe, makeup, even nail polish. (It’s clear Courtney Cox is the classy Cosmo girl to emulate). Features include how to dump toxic people from your life, the secrets of a shameless womanizer and how to survive a sports fan. No one reads Cosmo for the clothes, but the layouts are charming and more sophisticated than should be expected.



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1935

Circulation: 1.1 million

Newsstand price: $2.99

To order: (800) 274-4750

When did this magazine become trashy? In all fairness, the November issue is on sex, as in “kinky or curious?”; “how to be a sex goddess” and “couples tell us the steamy truth.” Magazine clearly thinks its readers identify more with Monica than Chelsea but don’t understand that that might be a bad thing. Fashions are appropriately bridge (D&G;, CK Calvin) and modern for stylish 25-year-olds and younger.


New Woman

Issues a year: 12

Established: 1970

Circulation: 1.19 million

Cost: $2.95

To order: (800) 627-2557

From health publisher Rodale Press, this is supposed to be the magazine for women fed up with beauty magazines. Lots of helpful beauty and fitness stuff, some good fashion information and lots and lots of stuff on relationships. Features include cosmetics that are good for men and women; how to fall and stay in love; female power dressing in a man’s world; and stress busters. Good mix of health, fitness, beauty advice.




Issues a year: 12

Established: 1944

Circulation: 2.47 million

Newsstand price: $2.99

To order: (800) 388-1749

Do you care about Ben Affleck’s sun sign? Then you’re about the age to read Seventeen, the bible for preteens and teens. Magazine takes girl power a little seriously with articles on attention deficit problems and school shootings. But you can still read lots about guys and their pet peeves. Uses mix of real high school students and models in clothes for this subset.



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1957

Circulation: 1.66 million

Newsstand price: $2.95

To order: Teen, P.O. Box 52795,

Boulder, CO 80322-2795

Models are pretty, young and mostly white. Clothes are terrific for teens, but the barrage of stuff like “Why some guys are hard to hook?” (well, there is an answer) to “Peer Pressure: Who Rules You?” is enough to lower the self-esteem of a rock star.



Issues a year: 10

Established: 1997

Circulation: Not available

Newsstand price: $2.95

To order: (888) 369-5867

A magazine geared for “girl power” but still giddy with celebs (lots of idol chatter on Leonardo and Ethan). Stays true to its motto: “For girls who dare to be real.” Features on “why being big is not a bummer” and girls who play football. Clothes are very casual and fun.



Issues a year: 10

Established: 1940

Circulation: 2.14 million

Cost: $2.95

To order: (800) 727-9696

Teen’s most serious competition. Lots of advice and info on relationships that, even though it seems silly, is actually pretty empowering. MTV VJ Fly talks about why she stopped having sex. Other features include a profile of a high school massacre survivor and unflattering high school photos of celebrities. And now I know David Arquette’s fan Web site. Fashion is sweet and affordable.



Issues a year: 6

Established: 1998

Circulation: NA

Newsstand price: $2.95

To order: (888) 699-4036

Ladies Home Journal brought out the charter issue in September for the mature woman. What other fashion magazine has ads for an Alzheimer’s breakthrough, articles on coping with menopause and crow’s feet, and an advice column called “Ask Mrs. Robinson?” The first issue included a “Whose Mother Are You?” quiz, profiles of Cybill Shepherd, Tipper Gore, Georgia Ann Waller (the ex-Mrs. Bridges of Madison County) and Marcia Angell, executive editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. Fashions are predictably mature, but fabulous.



Issues a year: 6

Established: 1997

Circulation: Not available

Newsstand price: $2.95

To order: (888) 610-0180

If you’re a size 12 or larger and want to know how to look fabulous, this is the magazine for you. Writing is lightweight, but who cares? Mode is about clothes, makeup and beauty and doesn’t waste a lot of time with soul-searching. Recent features: “Welcome Matte” (return of matte makeup), “Confessions of a Beauty Snoop,” small ditty on divas featuring Jennifer Lopez, Christina Ricci and Lisa Nicole Carson, three unconventional beauties. And where else can you find a women’s magazine that has a soup recipe that actually uses one cup of heavy cream?




Issues a year: 12

Established: 1996

Circulation: 200,000

Newsstand price: $2.50

To order: (800) 274-1521

This magazine hopes to enter the Latina market, and it comes as some relief to see an article on “Leo” and find out it’s on Oakland Raider Leo Araguz. Is also fairly empowering to see models who aren’t reed-thin and passionless. One recent issue featured “papi” month, focusing mostly on men. So to be fair, we looked at a few back issues for fashion layouts which are very, very Latina-oriented and very, very beautiful. Magazine does a nice job of speaking to a specific culture from the inside.



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1957

Circulation: 688,752

Newsstand price: $3

To order: (800) 289-9330

This is a tall glass of water in the world of fashion. Geared for men, but women enjoy reading it for such writings as the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, a Charleston sex tale, manly profiles on Gov. George W. Bush of Texas, Joe Morgan and Hugh Grant. Regular features include advice about sex, health, mutual funds and new products. But best of all, lots and lots of fashion, and this time for grown-ups. This is the male equivalent of Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. Example: a funny, sophisticated layout of $700-and-under suits using the cast of the movie “Impostors.”



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1933

Circulation: 657,718

Newsstand price: $3

To order: (800) 888-5400

This men’s magazine used to be the gentleman’s guide to life, fashion and good writing, but has fallen on hard times. Esquire, however, is making an uneven comeback in the last few years. The annual “What Every Man Should Know” piece is priceless. Recent features: essays on Big Bird, Orson Welles’ “Touch of Evil,” Yankee Stadium, some rather turgid reporting from Cambodia, a few articles on the stock market crash, and a cartoon essay on George W. Bush. Fashion layouts try too hard, as in “Portraits of the artist as a guy in some cool fall clothes.”



Issues a year: 10

Established: 1982

Circulation: 484,563

Newsstand price: $2.50

To order: (800) 627-6387

This young (and we do mean young) men’s magazine comes complete with attitude. Recent cover girl: Pamela Anderson. For once, you won’t read about Ben Stiller but, instead, the junkie-writer he plays on-screen, Jerry Stahl. A naughty interview with TV vixens and a photo essay on shooting victims. Fashion layouts are very inventive, but a budding clothes horse might want to check out GQ or Esquire.



Issues a year: 10

Established: 1987

Circulation: NA

Newsstand price: $3.95

To order: 760-738-2379

This L.A.-based men’s magazine is very funny, to the point and geared to the young hipster (if that’s what they’re still called). Recent issue included essay on Francis Bacon; “7-Eleven Gourmet” with Fred Eric of Fred’s 62; Halloween candy; the music group Bauhaus; scary women; scary things about L.A. and a scary fashion layout. Honest. Fashion layouts are a little contrived, but the clothes are sophisticated.

The Fab Four

The Face

Issues a year: 12

Established: 1980

Circulation: 115,000

Newsstand price: $7.50

To order: On newsstands

The Face is the magazine Detours and Detail would like to be. Funny, hip, young and British. Some of the stuff is too Brit, like a story on Scottish curfews and a feature on British soul music. Other fun stuff includes profiles of Christine Ricci and David Thewlis, a scathing expose on Sunny Delight (yes, the drink), and most of all, way-cool fashions.




Issues a year: 12

Established: 1997

Circulation: NA

Newsstand price: $7.95

To order: On newsstands

“The new magazine for women” is the motto of this import. Funny, sophisticated and very British. Recent features: luxury in clothes, Uma Thurman, runway hairdos, feel-good medications and “trophy birds versus trophy blokes.” Photo spread is on “hippies with a credit card.” Layouts are tres chic. There’s lots of talk about beauty, and the products are top of the line.



Issues a year: 12

Established: 1980

Circulation: 35,000

Newsstand price: $6.75

To order: On newsstands

Say you’re my hairdresser and so cool you’re beyond Vogue and Bazaar. You’d read i-D fast forward. OK, so it’s British and you won’t recognize 90% of the celebs. Just read it for the pictures. The clothes are fabulous, and you’ll see designers who rarely grace American rags, like Martine Sitbon and Issey Miyake.



Issues a year: 8

Established: 1997

Circulation: Not available

Newsstand price: $6.95

To order: On newsstands

Just say you read this hot, hot English magazine for effect. It’s the current darling of the hipster design world, and for good reason. Recent issue had great architectural writings on United Arab Emirates, China, and Detroit. Lots of Eurostuff. Fabulous design and furniture. But read it for the ads and fashion coverage, which are about as vanguard as you can get.
