
For Most, Van Gogh Show Out of Reach

I wish “L.A. to Draw on Van Gogh as Tourist Lure” [Dec. 16] had included the numbers that proved irrefutably that no man’s or woman’s money-love could be held responsible for the exhibit’s high ticket prices. I wish the article showed how it would not be possible for Los Angeles to host this wonderful show without excluding all those who cannot afford to pay the special admission price of $17.50 or $20.

The article describes the exhibit as being a lure for tourist dollars, but would any fewer tourists stay for any less time with any fewer dollars if the museum’s regular admission policy, including every second Tuesday of the month being free, was in effect?

Though this exhibit is being held in Los Angeles, it does not sound from reading the article that it is being held for Angelenos.


It is just not right. And even if it were unavoidable, it still wouldn’t be right. Art is not created with the intention that only the privileged, moneyed folk will be able to look at it and enjoy it.


Los Angeles
