
Clinton Polls

Your Dec. 22 article stated that polls show President Clinton’s approval rating going up after his impeachment. I do not know who those polls questioned, but it was certainly not me or the majority of people I know and talk with.

President Clinton has broken marriage vows he made to his wife, oaths he gave to tell the truth in both the Lewinksy and Jones cases and promises he made to the American people (one of which was to run the most ethical administration in history). He obstructed investigations into the truth, asking those around him to remember what did not happen. He not only abused the power of his office, but used his wife, his daughter and his aides; he lied to them, knowing that in believing him they would repeat those lies as the truth.

I cannot trust him. I do not believe he can win back the trust of our nation, much less that of the rest of the world. He has lost the ability to carry out the duties of his office; he should resign to save all of us the trauma of a Senate trial.



Santa Clarita


I firmly believe that the real mission of Rep. Tom DeLay and the Republican Party is to overturn the 1996 election. If you look at the crisis that began last January, right up to the Nov. 3 election, the majority of the Americans supported the president. Two days after the impeachment, President Clinton’s approval rating jumped to 73%. Yet, the Republican Party ignores the wishes and resolve of the American people. If we allow the Republican Party to succeed in ousting the president, we would forfeit our right to elect and support our public officials. It is in our best interest to stop this nonsense and get on with the real issues.




Have the political pollsters stopped including suspected Republicans in their surveys?


La Verne


Re the polls, here is a factor I don’t see expressed. I voted for Clinton: Impeachment takes my vote away. This, justified by charges of lying about hanky-panky? No way! You steal my vote, Republicans, and I take it personally!


Santa Monica


The bleating chorus of “witch hunt” and “sexual McCarthyism” one hears from President Clinton’s partisan defenders would only be annoying, not utterly obnoxious, if it were not being raised by the authors of the laws under which their man was caught. Do they understand how comical their righteously self-serving jeremiads against impending theocratic fascism are making them look?



Costa Mesa


As a liberal Democrat, I want to thank the Republican patriots in Congress for their noble crusade to impeach Clinton. Now is not the time to stop. I urge them to press forward, regardless of public opinion. Without their efforts, it may have taken years longer to get rid of Reps. Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston. Let’s see, next we could say goodbye to Rep. Henry Hyde and maybe even Trent Lott in the Senate. And then there’s . . .


Laguna Beach
