
Hey, You Can Trust Us on This

Auto mechanics. Lawyers. Journalists. Take a poll of everyday citizens and these groups typically top the list of least trustworthy or least popular professionals.

We’ll leave the lawyers out of the discussion for now. But the very trustworthy journalists at Highway 1 want to hear about the many capable, hard-working and, yes, honest mechanics who toil in behalf of Southern California motorists.

To nominate your mechanic, please send a brief description of what makes him or her stand out: skill in solving a previously “unsolvable” problem, an example of generosity in your dealings, the extra something that has earned your lasting trust. Include the name of the mechanic, his or her shop and your own name and daytime telephone number.


Write to My Mechanic, Highway 1, Business Section, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Via e-mail:

The deadline is Jan. 15. Results will be published Feb. 25 as part of our preventive maintenance guide.
