
Utah Gangs

Re your Jan. 29 Column One regarding Straight Edge gangs in Salt Lake City: Whenever the mass media attempt to cover something that is inherently intended to be underground there is bound to be some form of misrepresentation. Although you did touch on regions other than Utah being much less violent than their Salt Lake City mates, I still feel you give the impression that most Straight Edgers are out to incite violence.

I and my friends here in Santa Barbara stand in total opposition to the violence, while abstaining from drugs and alcohol (and many times the flesh of animals, which, if you’d done your homework, you would know is not a part of Straight Edge, even though it has become linked).


Santa Barbara

* Let me get this “straight.” The Straight Edge gangbangers become vegans and then go around destroying mink farms, burning McDonald’s and kicking smokers, while wearing Doc Martens. What are Doc Marten boots made from? Gang member David Snodgrass is shown wearing a metal-studded belt; what is it made from? In the Utah winters, I bet they wear down jackets or vests. Where does down come from?



