
Ads Would Be Included in Trash Bin Donation

Residents and visitors would find less trash but more advertisements on the beach if City Council members agree to a sponsorship deal being discussed Monday.

Under the plan, the Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corp. would give the city 5,000 trash bins, valued at more than $100,000, and nearly $133,000 in cash over a 10-year period. In return, the corporation would be able to sell advertising for the bins.

The offer was made through the Orange Coast Marketing Coalition, a group the city joined last year that includes the county and other local coastal communities.


The scheme would be similar to the Adopt-A-Beach program already in place in the city.

Under that plan, Simple Green provides $20,000 to local groups to clean the beach in return for advertising and Chevrolet provides $220,000 worth of new lifeguard vehicles in return for name identification.

The issue will be discussed at a meeting beginning at 5 p.m. in Room B-8 of the Civic Center, 2000 Main St.

Information: (714) 536-5227.
