
Artists Award Scholarships to 6 Ojai Students

Ojai Studio Artists awarded scholarships to six Ojai students for their outstanding achievements in film, ceramics, photography, drawing and sculpture. The scholarships aim to help the students pursue a college education. The winners:

Ambika Rose Orrill, who will attend Bard College in the fall, received the $1,200 Horace Bristol Scholarship.

Tim Denne, a student at Ventura College, received the $1,200 Vivika Heino Scholarship.

Liz Salinas, who plans to attend San Diego State in the fall, received a $500 scholarship.

John Coldwell, who plans to attend California Arts College in Los Angeles, received a $350 scholarship.


Quinten Swain, a Chaparral High School graduate, and Julia Muelh, a Nordhoff High School graduate, each received a $200 scholarship.

Boy & Girls Club Receives National Honors

The Boys & Girls Club of Ventura was honored recently at the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s National Conference in Orlando, Fla.

The club received special honors for its “Connect With a Kid” community program--a direct mail communications program--and for its popular Nite Club Teen and Beat the Street Band programs.


The Boys & Girls Club of Ventura operates four clubs--two in Ventura, one in Saticoy and one in the Ojai area.


Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Awards and Honors, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
