
Parks Pass Hassle

Regarding your article on the 346-page book available with the $75-per-year California State Parks Annual Pass (“News, Tips & Bargains,” May 24): While you did say this pass gets you into “lots of state parks,” it would behoove you to tell readers that it is no good in any state park or beach within Los Angeles County. We learned this the hard way in 1997 when we purchased the pass. All state parks and beaches in Los Angeles County are run by the county, which refuses to honor this pass.

By the way, you should also be aware that even the State Parks Foundation, which sells the passes, doesn’t tell you up front where the pass is not honored. You don’t find this out until after you’ve purchased the pass, which comes with a map that tells which state parks are run by counties. Some counties honor the pass, some don’t.


Santa Monica

Editor’s note: Twelve state parks and beaches in Los Angeles County accept the pass, but 15 other such sites, operated by the county or city, do not, according to the California State Parks Foundation.
