
Castoff Iguanas

I was very distressed to read “You Wanna Iguana?” (June 9 and Valley, June 8), detailing the negative results of the overpopulation of this wonderful creature. As always, it is the animals that pay the price with their lives for man’s financial greed and indifference to animal suffering. Others who pay a price are the volunteers, such as this writer, who spend countless hours in the seemingly thankless task of picking up the sad and pathetic animals that are the ultimate victims of their owners’ irresponsibility. It costs us in time, energy, angst and money!

Erin Terry, owner of Exclusively Reptiles, noted, “I get so irritated. People wouldn’t get a dog or cat and say, “In two years, I’ll get rid of it.” Let me assure her and all readers: Oh, yes they do--daily.

Until we, as a general population, along with the state and federal governmental agencies and legislators take seriously the deadening burden to compassionate people and taxpayers (as well as to the slaughtered dogs, cats, horses, and, yes, iguanas, among some of the many animals that die in the millions per year), we will be forced to live with the results of animal-breeding industries forever. Enough!



Los Angeles
