
Postal Worker Begs to Differ on Bonuses

Re “They’re Going Postal Over Billion-Dollar Profits” (“Beatts Me!” Jan. 11): As a postal worker, I can say I was a bit upset with the remarks Anne Beatts made.

In her story she stated, “Today, thousands of postal workers are eligible for bonuses up to $12,000 apiece based on performance and customer satisfaction.”

Let me clear this up for you right quick. The only “workers” eligible for these bonuses are in management. From lower-level management all the way up to Postmaster General Marvin Runyon. No window clerks, mail handlers, carriers, mail processors, flat sorter clerks, markup clerks, etc., will ever enjoy a piece of that action.


So it’s only fair to the readers of this newspaper and to postal workers all over that you print the whole truth, because it’s half-truths like this that give us postal workers a bad rap.


