
Correct, Both Adams Rites Are Moving

When is Adams Rite wrong? When it is Adams Rite Aerospace Inc. instead of Adams Rite Manufacturing Co.--or vice-versa.

Seems that the two Southern California companies once were part of the same business but split up years ago. Now both are relocating their offices this year and both are busily advertising for new employees--a situation that might confuse prospective job hunters.

That’s the fear that Adams Rite Manufacturing’s chairman, Peter Adams, voiced recently about references in this column last month to Adams Rite Aerospace as just plain Adams Rite.


Adding to the confusion: The two companies are about the same size--each does $35 million in annual sales--and both make hardware.

Here’s the lowdown:

Adams Rite Aerospace, which was based in Glendale, has moved its aerospace and military hardware business and 170 jobs to Fullerton. The company pays Adams Rite Manufacturing a fee to keep using the Adams Rite name. City of Industry-based Adams Rite Manufacturing is moving its commercial hardware business and 200 jobs to Pomona in November.

John O’Dell covers major Orange County corporations and manufacturing for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-5831 and at
