
City Wants to Raise Parking Fines to $32

The City Council will consider next week raising parking fines from $12 to $32 to recover enforcement costs and deter motorists from leaving their vehicles in parking lots for long periods of time.

The city’s two parking lots, near the train station, have a total of 223 metered parking spaces. They generate more than $25,000 annually.

Douglas Dumhart, a city senior management analyst, said overnight parking at Franciscan Plaza and another city lot is $6 a day.


But some motorists have learned it is cheaper to pay a $12 parking ticket if they plan to park longer than two days.

“We have some people who will take the train on a long weekend or for the week and instead of putting in $6 a day for their space they would rather chance it and take a ticket,” he said.

The City Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday at 32400 Paseo Adelanto.

Information: (714) 493-1171.
