
Man Arrested in Parcel Blast That Killed Boy

From Associated Press

An Indiana man sent a pipe bomb that killed a 17-year-old Vermonter after an Internet deal went sour, authorities said Friday.

Chris Dean, 35, of Pierceton, Ind., was arrested in Indiana Friday afternoon, one day after a bomb killed Chris Marquis, 17, of Fair Haven, and seriously injured his mother.

An affidavit released Friday night alleged that Dean felt Marquis defrauded him in an Internet-arranged trade of CB radio equipment.


Dean, jailed in Fort Wayne, Ind., faces federal charges of interstate transportation of explosives with the intent to kill or injure and causing to place an explosive device on an airplane, the FBI said.

The device, delivered to Marquis’ house by United Parcel Service, was described by authorities as a pipe bomb. It exploded as Marquis opened the package in his bedroom. His mother was in the room at the time.

Authorities quickly turned their focus to the Internet, as they learned that Marquis had angered many people in a CB radio chat group.


It appeared that Marquis would offer to trade or sell equipment and would fail to deliver the goods.

There are several ominous-sounding messages about Marquis, a high school dropout, posted on a computer bulletin board. One of them even listed his home address in Fair Haven.

“If I find someone to pay the 2-way airfare, I will go there and collect everyone’s money back and give him some severe dental problems to deal with,” said that message, posted by an America Online user. “Are you listening, Chris?? When you see a 6 foot 5 inch dark haired man at your door, you look out ‘cause I will be about to drop the maul . . . on you noggin dude.”
