
Student Election

Re “Ventura College Officials, Students Clash Over Election,” May 6.

I have been involved with Associated Students of Ventura College [ASVC] for three years now. I also ran for president this year but during the two voting days, due to many reasons, I had backed down from the election.

I am outraged with our administration for taking sides. This is not their election. This is the ASVC student election. In last year’s election we had a similar problem and the administration did not get involved at all.

The election committee has made its decision and is planning to stick with it. The decision was made professionally, and the committee had its reasons for disqualifying Susan Carrasco. The administration, it seems, only investigated her side of the story.


I am not complaining because I lost. I am moving on with my life. Monica Sanchez did as much as she could to win this election. Ms. Carrasco, please admit that your own actions got you disqualified, and move on with your life too. We, the ASVC, never had anything personal against you and you know that deep down inside.


