
Community Work Brings Recognition

Frank and Margaret Greinke, Johnnie Johnson and the Rev. Dr. Robert B. Shepard Jr. recently received the Humanitarian of the Year award from the National Conference for Community and Justice. The awards were presented at the group’s 22nd annual Community Gala at the Hyatt Regency Irvine.

The Greinkes, of Tustin, have been community leaders in Orange County for more than three decades. They are the founders of Southern Counties Oil Co. Frank has served as Tustin’s mayor, Tustin Chamber of Commerce’s president and was a founding director of Irvine Valley College. He also served on Department of Defense and State of California international delegations.

Margaret has served as both a religious educator and a special education instructor in addition to numerous charitable and philanthropic activities. She was chair of Tustin’s 60th Anniversary Celebration, the Tustin Area Historical Society and was named Tustin Woman of the Year in 1986.


Johnnie Johnson, a former Los Angeles Rams football star, is now an Anaheim real estate executive. He is also an internationally recognized speaker specializing in a life skills curriculum for youth.

Shepard, senior pastor of Anaheim United Methodist Church, has long been an activist in interfaith programs in Orange County. He was a founding director of the National Conference of Christians and Jews in Orange County and was a co-founder of the Newport-Mesa-Irvine Interfaith Council in 1978. Shepard, Rabbi Bernard King and Haitham Bundakji of the Islamic Society of Orange County will lead an Orange County Interfaith Mission to Israel and Jordan in March 1999.
