
Photos on Internet

Re “Celebrities Lose Nude Photo Cases,” Nov. 3: Isn’t it ironic that a country built on the ideals of both individual freedom and protection of the individual should have these concepts perverted in such an extraordinary manner under the guise of the 1st Amendment? When the most personal and intimate aspects of people’s lives can be sold like slabs of meat at a butcher counter, whether or not the “seller” even has a legitimate right to possess the “property”? And then to have these same companies/individuals be allowed to further destroy a person because others have “stolen” the disputed material from the purveyor, making moot any attempt to offer any remedial protection?

Serving in a dual role as both a practicing physician and as acting president of a medical information technology company, I find this very disturbing. Until such situations are appropriately remedied, the aroma of 3-day-old fish will continue to waft through the Internet, interfering with and detracting from the potential that this new medium has to offer.


Los Alamitos
