
Alarcon Moves to Disburse Lopez Canyon Donations

Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcon introduced a motion Friday to distribute the latest series of donations for community services springing from the closure of Lopez Canyon Landfill.

The proposed allocations total about $1 million.

The money is part of about $3 million that the city and the landfill operator agreed to donate to the Lopez Canyon Community Amenities Trust Fund, created to help neighborhoods around the now-closed landfill.

Included would be $50,000 for the Books and Computers for Kids Trust Fund, $100,000 for the Pacoima Senior Center, $250,000 for the Boys & Girls Club computer learning center, $100,000 for the Neighborhood Watch Trust Fund, $100,000 for Valley Fair education programs, $80,000 for lighting at Kagel Canyon and $300,000 for the Sylmar Library.


A final City Council vote on the allocations is expected next week.
