
Let Khachigian Cast No Stones

* Kenneth Khachigian, while agonizing Nov. 8 over the defeat of his favorite candidates, bemoans the use of negative ads, in particular the ones used by U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer’s campaign.

He alerts the GOP, “In the future, you must be equally relentless in portraying your opponents. . . . “

One might deduce from his remarks that the GOP has been devoid of dirty politics. What dream world is he in? Does he not remember the dirty tricks of Watergate, or the “Willie Horton” ads used against Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis in 1988?



Los Alamitos

* I put Kenneth Khachigian’s column of Oct. 25 aside to check what effect his diatribe might have on the California Senate race.

Working around the holes his bile had burned in the newsprint, I reread how he had proved conclusively--to himself--that Barbara Boxer was “not fit for office.”

The voters disagree. Let Khachigian eat his heart out for six more years.

Wouldn’t you think someone in Richard Nixon’s party would be a little careful about calling people unfit for office?



