Around the Yard
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Things to do this week:
* First Flowers. Sasanqua camellias could be called the first blooms of the year, although they actually flower before other camellias in the dead of winter. They start now, or even in October, and bloom until the middle of January.
As with regular japonica camellias, sasanquas can become backbone plants for the garden. But unlike japonicas, they can be grown in full sun, and they are tougher plants in other ways too. They come in a variety of heights and shapes, some growing no taller than an azalea.
Look for such varieties as Kanjiro, Little Pearl and Setsugekka, or old favorites such as the low-growing Shishi Gashira and Showa-no-sakae at nurseries (which stock more than they used to) or at a specialist such as Nuccio’s Nurseries in Altadena.
* Mow High. Remember not to mow annual ryegrass or fescues sown on top of Bermuda as low as the Bermuda was shorn. Set the mower (or make sure the maintenance gardener does) so it cuts this winter grass to a height of 1 1/2 to 2 inches.
* Dig Begonias. If you grew tuberous begonias in your garden this summer, now is the time to dig up the tubers, keeping them cool and dry in the garage until spring. If you grew them in pots, there’s no need to dig them out. Simply tip the pot on its side so it doesn’t collect rainwater, let the soil dry out and set the pot out of sight until spring.