
Roll Call

While most Washington lawmakers are reserving judgment, some members of Congress have already called for President Clinton to resign or expressed their support for him. Here’s how they fall out:



Robert B. Aderholt (R-Ala.)

Matt Salmon (R-Alaska)

Frank Riggs (R-Calif.)

John T. Doolittle (R-Calif.)

George P. Radanovich (R-Calif.)

Rep. Ron Packard (R-Calif.)

Scott McInnis (R-Colo.)

Tillie K. Fowler (R-Fla.)

Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.)

Dan Miller (R-Fla.)

John Linder (R-Ga.)

Vince Snowbarger (R-Kan.)

Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

Charles W. “Chip” Pickering (R-Miss.)

Cass Ballenger (R-N.C.)

Paul McHale (D-Pa.)

Joseph Pitts (R-Pa.)

Bob Inglis (R-S.C.)

Pete Sessions (R-Texas)

Tom DeLay (R-Texas)

Dick Armey (R-Texas)

Herbert H. Bateman (R-Va.)

Tom Bliley (R-Va.)

Linda Smith (R-Wash.)

George R. Nethercutt Jr. (R-Wash.)

Mark W. Neumann (R-Wis.)

Barbara Cubin (R-Wyo.)



Dan Coats (R-Ind.)

John Ashcroft (R-Mo.)

Judd Gregg (R-N.H.)

Bob Smith (R-N.H.)

James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.)

Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah)


Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.): “I think that many Democrats and many Americans are very disappointed and saddened by what happened and that they think it’s cause for grave embarrassment, but it is not cause for impeachment.” (Aug. 23)


Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.): To Clinton: “I’ve been with you from the begining, and I will stand with you now till the end.” (Sept. 3)



Rep. David E. Bonior (D-Mich.): “The president will certainly be able to continue in office.” (Sept. 9)


Sen. Dale Bumpers (D-Ark.): “This offense . . . doesn’t border on being an impeachable offense, and he’s not going to resign.” (Aug. 31)


Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.): “I will always be grateful to [Clinton] for his visionary public policies in so many areas, and so will the people of (California).” (Sept. 9)


Compiled by TRICIA FORD / Los Angeles Times
