
Mexico, Columnist Unfair to McClung

* I read the Aug. 20 story on Scott McClung, “O.C. Ship’s Captain to Stand Trial in Mexico,” and find it hard to believe the blatant disregard for the facts by the Mexican judge.

I’d like to see us close the border and stop all financial aid till they get their act together. At the very least, I hope that all Americans will boycott Mexico until this is resolved and a just judgment rendered.


Huntington Beach

* Re Dana Parsons’ column about the McClung family and its debacle in Mexico (“A Case of Corruption or of Zero Tolerance?” Aug. 23).


I would have to question Parsons’ intelligence, perception and appreciation of American values when he compares the Mexican governmental system and the American governmental system.

If Mr. Parsons is so concerned about the treatment of foreigners in our country, it seems to me that his assumption that Mr. McClung is guilty of a ridiculous charge--thus supporting the Mexican government’s allegation--is very misplaced.

I am very disappointed in The Times’ running of this article, particularly since the other coverage has been excellent. Also of interest was Jerry Hicks’ article about Mexican government treatment at the Mexican border.



San Clemente

* The tragic and totally unnecessary incarceration of Scott McClung illustrates the dangers of introducing so-called gun-control laws without requiring some provision for common sense regarding enforcement.

Californians must beware the efforts of Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer and others who wish to force zero-tolerance gun-control laws on the law-abiding citizens of this state. Each private citizen must continue to have the right to bear arms for defense of home and family without the threat of capricious imprisonment.


Los Alamitos
