
Kosovo Bombing

When the aggression against Yugoslavia started, it was promulgated as a punishing expedition aimed at Slobodan Milosevic to force him to accept the Rambouillet ultimatum. As a result, it unified all Serbs, even his staunchest opponents, and Milosevic is by now irrelevant--it is the people who are defending their homeland. An illustration: My son was a draft dodger (like Bill Clinton) in 1992; now he is a volunteer and also part of the human chain on one of Belgrade’s bridges every night .

Clinton, who ultimately pushed through NATO this act of war without declaring one, is on a path of total destruction of Serbia and extermination of the Serbian people. However, it is the Serbs who can claim a moral victory in this uneven struggle with the mightiest military machine today, in spite of hundreds of “collateral casualties.”


Marina del Rey


Western experts seem to denigrate the KLA because of its lack of weapons. If they were to recall some history, a lightly armed but well-motivated army defeated the better-equipped British after 1776. More recently a lightly regarded guerrilla army defeated first the French and then the U.S. They underestimate the will of people who are fighting for their families, homes, vengeance and their very survival. The KLA does not have to win a military victory to win. It is over when the cost of genocide becomes too great a cost to the Serbs.





Can you imagine the brutal horror of the Kosovo women and girls being raped and then murdered and disposed of? It’s likely happening right now as you read this.

Milosevic’s troops did it in Croatia and in Bosnia. They got away with it for eight years. Send in the troops? How can we not?


Laguna Beach


What poppycock the Clinton administration is advancing with its theory that enough bombing will defeat Milosevic and company. One would think that with Rhodes scholars all over the place, somebody would know about the Battle of Britain. From Sept. 7, 1940, through May 11, 1941, the Luftwaffe bombed London nightly. Did the British give up? The Allies bombed Germany continuously as early as 1940, with American pilots alone flying 75,000 missions. Even that, plus the RAF’s 380,000 sorties, didn’t cause the German surrender until ground troops were all over Europe. There’s a lesson somewhere in that history.





The all-knowing polls now show a majority of Americans in favor of ground war over Kosovo. Want to know what we really think? Reinstitute the draft!




If the Army can’t figure out how to send Apache helicopters to Albania with their supplies in less than a month (April 10), I have a suggestion. Why not fly the helicopters there and have Federal Express forward the supplies? I’m sure for a reasonable price they can get all the boxes there inside a couple of days.


Los Angeles
