
A Rocky Restaurant Review

I have an important question about S. Irene Virbila’s review of Rock in Marina del Rey (“A Rocky Start,” Nov. 14): Are we talking about the same restaurant?

I have been eating Hans Rockenwagner’s food for the last 15 years, and never has it been “awful,” “soggy,” “unappetizing” or “tasteless.” On the contrary, I have always been impressed with his culinary creations. The food at Rock is no exception.

Rock is a respite from all the been-there-done-that French bistros and Italian trattorias that seem to occupy every corner of this city. So I ask: Are we talking about the same restaurant? It seems unlikely that there is another Rock, although I hope there will be.


Donna Silver

Santa Monica


Virbila’s review of Rock was the most out-of-touch restaurant review in the history of culinary criticism. I wonder if her taste buds haven’t become semi-glazed.

The tapas at Rock are simply the best outside of Spain. They alone make for an absolutely delicious dining experience.

Gary Ellenberg

